Selasa, 27 Maret 2012


Prostitution and Trafficking of Women and Children: the dynamics of Supply and Demand

 Prostitution may say as the oldest job around the world. By prostitution, they (I mean women) can get money easily and quickly. There are many reasons why they decided to sell her body to men as a buyer because they have difficulties to get a normal job, dissatisfaction with their partner of marriage,

Sexual harassment when they were young and another reason is trafficked by pimps.

Sex trafficking is the process of sends victims into prostitution, victims are women and children that recruited by pimps. Prostitution and sex trafficking are based on balance between the supply of victims to the demand for victims to provide the sex acts. The pimps are exploiters who recruit the victims, to provide “sex workers” to be promote to buyers. The pimps would get some money from the victims and buyers as ti

When men search for sex experiences they will look for desire of satisfying sex in a place of prostitution, that is the reason prostitution and trafficking begin with the demand for victims to be used in prostitution. In Indonesia prostitution is illegal, but in fact there are many places of prostitution even they have a security to save the prostitution activities, for example there is a Dolly in Surabaya the famous place of prostitution in Indonesia. In countries where prostitution is illegal, it begins when pimps place orders with criminal networks for women and children.

Stopping the demand maybe one of many solutions to prostitution and sex trafficking, there are four components that make-up the demand:

1)       The men who buy commercial sex acts

Maybe they have unsatisfying relationships, want to have sex experience with another partner, or maybe want to have sex desire. They are seeking sex experience without relationship responsibilities.

2)      The exploiters

The exploiters, including traffickers, pimps, and then build a sex industry. They recruit many girls, women and even children to serve buyers.

3)      The State

As the example, Dolly in Surabaya. In fact Indonesia not legalizes prostitution, but there are many places of prostitution. Maybe they lack of power, or there may be cooperation between the security forces of sex workers or maybe the pimps so they have a license for illegal prostitution.

4)     The Culture

Particular mass media, we know that media has a large role in normalizing prostitution portraying prostitution as glamorous or a away to get a lot of money easily and quickly. Within the commercial world of entertainment, we know that films is media to publishing pornography production, I mean there are films that sells pornography.

My view of the Prostitution of the article is By that discussion of prostitution and women & children trafficking we can make sure that we have to try normal way to earn money, no matter how difficult to earn money but we are religious people, we know that prostitution is sin, but we should not to under estimate or rough them, they still a human.

If you want to stop them to be in prostitution, not just nonsense but we have to act maybe give them normal work or something that positive.


Prostitution is my view because of factors: (1) there is demand there is supply. Because a lot of demand for prostitutes, especially in the cities of the entry of foreign firms. While the great prostitute who came. In these areas, prostitution developed in line with the tourism and still less, finally came to pass trafficking (either by abduction or fraud) to meet the market, (2) ways of thinking that does not use religious standards. For the Muslims in Indonesia, weakened attachment to religion. Finally free sex culture that comes along with the influx of foreign influence. Local people went along with casual sex, and even provides a prostitute, not to mention the culture of drinking. (3) The state has no mechanism to prevent the vices and crimes. It is a criminal offender caught in trafficking, but the problem of prostitution is still rampant. Not dealt with firmly, even localized. Prostitutes, even recognized as workers: a predicate sex workers. Not to mention the tourism business opportunities that would open prostitution. Even when these ideas began to emerge, the international zone in the region, for example in coastal areas. Even if governments implement Shari'a regulations, but in the free zone in immoral. It could be to attract foreigners. So the bottom line: This issue boils down to the capitalist system. During the system is still maintained, the demand still continues to flow toward sinners, and this means that the religious and moral weakness will continue to supply the disobedience


 solution. (1) It must be instilled awareness and responsibility to all components of mobi. that these crimes should be dealt with once and for all, not half-measures, (2) Islam cover all the entrances of damage, such as prostitution, pornography, porno action, alcohol, drugs, and even all those who enter the country and the culture allowed to bring products that damage . (so do the people themselves immoral but banned foreigners entering Indonesia are welcome to bring destruction, because it's sure to infect the community), (3) Applying strict sanctions against the violation, such as drug dealers, pimps, who are involved in trafficking etc., (4) one notes that the application of Islam can not be partial because, it will not feel the value of the solution. So it should be done at this time to find a solution to the application that really sturdy and mature are: learning Islam. Islam is actually a system of setting a perfect life. Only still stored in our books of fiqh. Muslims know Islam only in worship mahdhoh sja. In fact, there is an economic system that builds prosperity, there is the court system and persanksian capable of preventing damage in the community.


Transgender adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan orang yang melakukan, merasa, berpikir atau terlihat berbeda dari jenis kelamin yang ditetapkan saat mereka lahir. "Transgender" tidak menunjukkan bentuk spesifik apapun dari orientasi seksual orangnya. Orang-orang transgender dapat saja mengidentifikasikan dirinya sebagai heteroseksual, homoseksual, biseksual, panseksual, poliseksual, atau aseksual.
 Definisi yang tepat untuk transgender
  "Tentang, berkaitan dengan, atau menetapkan seseorang yang identitasnya tidak sesuai dengan pengertian yang konvensional tentang gender laki-laki atau perempuan, melainkan menggabungkan atau bergerak di antara keduanya."
·         "Orang yang ditetapkan gendernya, biasanya pada saat kelahirannya dan didasarkan pada alat kelaminnya, tetapi yang merasa bahwa deksripsi ini salah atau tidak sempurna bagi dirinya."
·         "Non-identifikasi dengan, atau non-representasi sebagai, gender yang diberikan kepada dirinya pada saat kelahirannya."
Adapun penyebab seorang pria menjadi seorang wanita atau waria atau penyebab terjadinya transgender dapat diakibatkan 2 faktor yaitu
a. Faktor bawaan (hormon dan gen)
·         Faktor genetik dan fisiologis adalah faktor yang ada dalam diri individu karena ada masalah antara lain dalam susunan kromosom, ketidakseimbangan hormon, struktur otak, kelainan susunan syaraf otak,
b. Faktor lingkungan
·         Faktor lingkungan di antaranya pendidikan yang salah pada masa kecil dengan membiarkan anak laki-laki berkembang dalam tingkah laku perempuan, pada masa pubertas dengan homoseksual yang kecewa dan trauma, trauma pergaulan seks dengan pacar, suami atau istri. Perlu dibedakan penyebab transseksual kejiwaan dan bawaan. Pada kasus transseksual karena keseimbangan hormon yang menyimpang (bawaan), menyeimbangkan kondisi hormonal guna mendekatkan kecenderungan biologis jenis kelamin bisa dilakukan. Mereka yang sebenarnya normal karena tidak memiliki kelainan genetikal maupun hormonal dan memiliki kecenderungan berpenampilan lawan jenis hanya untuk memperturutkan dorongan kejiwaan dan nafsu adalah sesuatu yang menyimpang dan tidak dibenarkan menurut syariat Islam. 

memang manusia itu diciptakan hanya 2 macam laki – laki dan perempuan,, tetapi jika ada yang merasa berbeda di dalam dirinya,, yaa itu kita kembalikan lagi pada diri sendiri mana yang terbaik baginya. kita juga tidak boleh mengucilkan atau meremehkan penderita transgender itu sendiri. karena bagai manapun itu pilihan hidupnya. mungkin dari segi positif dengan cara seperti itu dia akan menemukan jati diri sendiri dan kesuksesan yang ingin di raih.

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

sonic (Salatiga Owners Ninja Club)

hayy...ketemu lagi dengan akyuu.
semoga aja g bosen y baca inspirasiku...seperti biasa setiap minggu dapet tgs nihh.
nahh kali ini kita bicara tentang comunity yang aq ikuti yaitu:

Sonic kepanjangannya Salatiga Owners Ninja Club, nah group ini adalah semacam group motor dan kalian semua bisa tau dari judulnya yaitu group motor ninja bahasa gaulnya adalah genk motor. jadi di komunitas ini orang-orangnya memakai motor yang memilih merk ninja. memang sih  group motor terkenal dengan cowok, mengapa saya ikut group ini karena my boyfrend masuk dalam club ini.. hehehe.

sonic ini bertempat di salatiga didirikan pada tanggal 7 februari 2008 orang yang menginspirasi salatiga owner club adalah kawasaki ninja. visi misi dari club ini adalah satu dalam kata,harmonis dalam jiwa,seimbang dalam cinta,teliti dalam berkendara,berjuang dalam nada.  biasanya kita berkumpul secara rutin setiap hari jumat malam jam 8-11 di samsat salatiga/ pancasila (alun-alun salatiga). club ini mempunyai anggota kurang lebih 30 motor ninja, kegiatan pada waktu kumpul setiap hari jumat adalah untuk membahas kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan dan info2 yang lain tentang motor itu sendiri di akhir pertemuan biasanya club ini keliling bersama-sama sebelum pulang. aktivitasnya kopidarat,touring,bakti sosial,silaturahmi.misalnya tentang rencana mau touring,ada kunjungan dr club sesama ninja tetapi dari kota lain, membahas tentang motor ninja dan kegiatan kedepannya.
 kegiatan di sonic yang pernah saya ikuti adalah touring ke jogja,melakukan silaturahmi ke karangjati,kumpul-kumpul.